Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Welcome to The Mindful Wanker

This is the first entry in The Mindful Wanker, so I will say a few words about my intentions.

A kind of voyeurism and exhibitionism is part of my motivation, of course: I hope to enjoy relating my own experiences and opinions, passing on stories and perspectives I have heard, and getting feedback from others.

But I have, over the years, developed a real sociological interest in masturbation, its role in peoples' lives, and what it means to society. Wanking is the object of much repression and embarrassment, even among otherwise honest and sex-positive people, and the result is confusion, hypocrisy, and the strange transference behaviors to which repression always leads.

I have a lot of concerns about the state of pornography. While I have no ethical problem with the principle of sexually explicit pictures, pornography as it exists now includes a lot of coercion, hostility, and exploitation. The discussion of these ugly elements to porn is, like so much in contemporary politics, highly polarized, and we are left with only radically pro- and anti-porn positions. I hope to discuss how we can be careful consumers of pornography, in the same way as we can be careful consumers in other areas of our lives.

I do not want this blog to be merely a platform. I very much hope to get feedback, and to
participate in a wider inter-blog discussion on mindful wankery and related subjects.

Culturally speaking, masturbation remains a largely unexplored territory; I'd like to explore it.

What do you think this blog can do? How can I best fulfill those missions? Do you have favorite porn sites that make for fun wanking, without hostility or exploitation? Have links you'd like to share? Opinions or ideas you'd like me to post here? I'd like to hear from you!

-The Mindful Wanker


At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am excited to find your blog. I also have a lifelong obsession and interest in masturbation and all things masturbatory. I look forward to reading your offerings, and will take the liberty of cross-blogging to my ONANIA -- The Journal of Chronic Masturbation on occasion.

At 2:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the issues you raise are rather complex. What is the impact of masturbation on individuals and society? What is the impact of pornography on society? I think that we have to deal with these issues in a piecemeal fashion. It is too easy to just take a simple position like “pornography is evil” and explore it no further.

It’s true that there is a lot of quilt and repression associated with masturbation, although nearly everyone does it to some extent. I personally wouldn’t want to go to work tomorrow and if someone asked me how my weekend was say “great, I jerked-off the whole time”. I would expect adverse social repercussions.

Visit for some of my continuing thoughts on masturbation.

At 4:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted "Good porn and bad porn" at in response to this posting. Comments would be appreciated.

At 1:26 PM, Blogger maranne said...

A very insightful blog indeed. I will keep on reading:)


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